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200 Hours Teacher Training - Module 2
Introduction to the 2nd Module of Your Yoga Certification
What you can expect in the course
Day 7
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Jala Neti Kriya (4:12)
Surya Bhedi Breathing Exercise (3:55)
Kapalbathi - A Step Toward Bright and Healthy Mind (5:14)
Om Shanti Mantra Chanting (5:33)
Ganesha Mantra Chanting (1:26)
Warm Up Spine, Wrist, and Shoulders With Pawanmuktasana (23:30)
Utthita Parsvakonasana - Modern Yoga Exercises (2:51)
Stretch Your Muscles with Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (2:59)
Setuasana (1:56)
Chakrasana (1:40)
Jhulana Lurhakanasana (Rocking and Rolling) (2:34)
YogaSupta Udarakarshanasana (Sleeping Abdominal Stretch) (2:34)
Observe Your Breathing By Sitting In A Cross-Legged Meditation Asana Posture (7:34)
Shavasana - Give Yourself A Break (21:08)
Chant the Second Part of Shanti Mantra
Yoga Anatomy - The 3 Types of Muscle Tissue (19:09)
Yoga Philosophy - Introduction of Patanjali Mantra - Memorizing the Mantra (8:10)
Day 8
Jala Neti Kriya (4:12)
Surya Bhedi Breathing Exercise (3:55)
60 Rounds of Kapalbathi (3 Times) with Introduction of Mula Bandha (5:14)
Om Shanti Mantra Chanting (5:33)
Ganesha Mantra Chanting (1:26)
Warm up of Spine, Wrist, Shoulder & Knee (23:30)
Surya Namaskar, chant with Mantra and modification of plank (Santolanasana) (3:35)
Kati Chakrasana (1:41)
Vriksasana (3 Breath for 3 Times) (3:15)
Garudanasana (3 Breath for 3 Times) (1:23)
Utthita Parsvakonasana (2:51)
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (2:59)
Jannur Sirsasana (4:00)
Parivrtta Jannur Sirsasana (4:42)
Sarvangasana Or Viparitakarani (4:49)
Halasana Sequence (3:27)
Setuasana (1:56)
Chakrasana (1:40)
Paschimottanasana (4:10)
Gomukhasana (2:57)
Jhulana Lurhakanasana (Rocking and Rolling) (2:34)
YogaSupta Udarakarshanasana (Sleeping Abdominal Stretch) (2:34)
Observe Your Breathing By Sitting In A Cross-Legged Meditation Asana Posture (7:34)
Nadi Sodhana - Sama Vritti Pranayama (5:21)
Shavasana - Give Yourself A Break (21:08)
Chant the Second Part of Shanti Mantra
Yoga Anatomy Skeletal muscles (19:09)
Yoga Philosophy - Painful and non painful Vritis (10:03)
Day 9
Jala Neti Kriya (4:12)
Surya Bhedi Breathing Exercise (3:55)
Om Shanti Mantra Chanting (5:33)
Ganesha Mantra Chanting (1:26)
Warm up of Spine, Wrist, Shoulder & Knee (23:30)
Surya Namaskar, with Mantra and modification of plank (Santolanasana) + modification of Aswasanachalanasana (3:35)
Kati Chakrasana (1:41)
Vriksasana (3 Breath for 3 Times) (3:15)
Garudanasana (3 Breath for 3 Times) (1:23)
Natarajasana (3 Breath for 3 Times) (1:27)
Parsvottanasana (4:04)
Padahastasana (1:16)
Navasana (3:53)
Utthan Pristhasana (2:00)
Prasarita Padottanasana A - B - C (11:03)
Bhumi Pada Mastakasana (3:24)
Paschimottanasana (15:44)
Tadasana (1:38)
Jhulana Lurhakanasana & Supta Udarakarshanasana (2:34)
Seat in a crossed legged postures, one of the Meditation asana (7:34)
Day 10
Yoga Anatomy - 4 ways to stretching the muscles & Reciprocal inhibition (9:57)
Yoga Philosophy - What is Nirodha? (7:25)
Day 11
Jala Neti Kriya (4:12)
Surya Bhedi Breathing Exercise (3:55)
Om Shanti Mantra Chanting (5:33)
Ganesha Mantra Chanting (1:26)
Yoga Philosophy - Introduction of the Sadhna Path & Klesha (14:49)
Day 12
Jala Neti Kriya (4:12)
Surya Bhedi Breathing Exercise (3:55)
Trattaka - Practice with Candle (34:28)
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Ganesha Mantra Chanting
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